Professional DokuWiki Hosting
Everything from a single source: expert knowledge for the configuration and development of DokuWiki systems and many years of experience in hosting and maintenance.
CosmoCode operates your company wiki on a server operated in Germany or the US according to European law.
Server Maintenance
The server undergoes continuous maintenance, which involves the installation of updates to operating system services and the timely patching of security-critical components. Any work that may necessitate an interruption of operations is coordinated with the customer.
DokuWiki Updates
When new versions of DokuWiki are released, CosmoCode will handle the software updates for you. This includes the installation of updates for plugins as well. With CosmoCode's expertise, we ensure that compatibility issues are avoided, and your wiki remains fully functional.
Of course, we will take care of moving your existing wiki to our servers as well.
Advanced Authentication
CosmoCode offers to configure DokuWiki to integrate with existing account management systems like Active Directory or authentication with external services via OAuth.
Upon request, we can also implement additional security measures such as two-factor authentication or IP-based access restrictions.
Advanced Requirements
Upon request, we can provide additional software services, including ElasticSearch and Apache Tika for full-text document search. We also offer specialized vector storage for DokuWiki AI Chat.
24/7 System Monitoring
Operational availability is continuously monitored 24/7 by means of a specially provided monitoring infrastructure.
All wiki content is stored on a separate backup server encrypted via AES-256 and backed up daily with a three-month history. Individual files and folders can be restored for up to three months on request.
Special features of DokuWiki hosting
With its lean and robust architecture, DokuWiki can be operated reliably and with minimal impact on resources. If DokuWiki is used as a business/company wiki, availability and security requirements must be met in particular. Your hosting partner for DokuWiki must be familiar with the DokuWiki system architecture and the plugins used in order to avoid security risks due to unpatched plugins, unmonitored file structures or misconfigured system components.
CosmoCode offers everything from a single source: field-tested expert knowledge in the installation, configuration and further development of DokuWiki systems and many years of experience in the operation of corporate applications. So that hosting your company wiki does not become an experiment.