Enterprise DokuWiki Support
DokuWiki is one of the most successfull wiki solutions available. Originally created for CosmoCode's internal needs in 2004, it is now the second most popular wiki software.
CosmoCode is the leading support provider for DokuWiki!
CosmoCode has been working with and for DokuWiki for more than 15 years. Our contributions of more than 80 significant plugins, and our work in research partnerships, have been an important part of DokuWiki's continued success.
Enterprise Wikis with DokuWiki
We can help if you want to introduce a wiki or extend your company's existing knowledge platform.
As an Intranet solution, the wiki aggregates the company knowledge and works as a gateway to your internal enterprise applications. Thanks to the many existing plugins, existing services can be easily integrated into the Intranet wiki.
Product- and Usermanual
A wiki is ideal to document products. Regardless if used internally only or as a support system for your customers. Exchangable and easy to customize templates ensure that the wiki's design will match your corporate identity.
Compliance Documentation
Enterprise policies need to be documented reliably and accessible. The wiki's access control system manages who may add, change or read policies.
Project Wikis
The more unique a project is, the more important becomes its documentation. DokuWiki is ideal to document meetings, requirement specifications, implementation details, test plans and much more. It's configurable access control manages access for partners.
Quality Management
Goals, processes, guidelines can all be documented centrally in DokuWiki, providing your employees with an always up-to-date quality management manual. Of course the wiki can be integrated with your Active Directory and fine grained permissions can be set.
Knowledge Management
Using DokuWiki and it's struct extension, knowledge can be structured and categorized. Knowledge sharing is no longer limited to experts, but all employees can contribute their experiences. Thanks to builtin versioning all changes can are tracked.
Securing your knowledge is essential
DokuWiki is Open Source and simple to install. It can easily be run within your company's intranet. No need to have your valuable enterprise knowledge stored in the cloud.
DokuWiki's powerful access control mechanisms let you open or lock individual areas of your wiki for single users or user groups.
DokuWiki expertise by the market leader
DokuWiki Workshops
Every software introduction has its cost. That's true also for Open Source products. We're happy to share our knowledge in introducing enterprise wikis with you. A DokuWiki workshop helps you to figure out early if and how DokuWiki can fulfill your individual requirements and what tasks lie ahead. Our workshops are tailored to your specific topics, complete with extensive preparation and results analysis - regardless if remote, at your location or in CosmoCode's offices.
DokuWiki Plugin Development
You already use DokuWiki and need very specific Features? CosmoCode can create custom pluigins tailored to your needs for you.
Active Directory and SSO
DokuWiki can be integrated with existing account management like Active Directory. No need to manage users twice. We can help with setting up the access configuration.
Individal Templates
When a wiki is used in different departments or for different functions, different requirements for the content structure arises. We can help with setting up content templates and optionally program form based content generation.
Information Structure
DokuWiki allows for configuring document-specific data and attributes to be used in automatic aggregation lists or tables that can be filtered. CosmoCode will help you to model the appropriate data structures and dependencies.
DokuWiki Training
We provide training in the use and configuration of DokuWiki and introduce your users to the "wiki way" of structuring texts. We provide tips based on years of experience. We can also give your IT personel a deep look into the administration of DokuWiki.
DokuWiki Update, Support and Hosting
We support you in upgrading your DokuWiki system and will also update installed plugins. If wanted, we can also do DokuWiki Hosting and manage system and security upgrades for the wiki host.

Andreas Gohr
Through CosmoCode, you have direct access to DokuWiki's "inventor". You won't find more knowledge on DokuWiki's internals anywhere else!
Contact us. We're happy to support you.
DokuWiki References
Some of our previous DokuWiki projects:

Development of a comprehensive wiki for quality management and document control

A public wiki system for documenting various university rankings

Hosting und Wartung von Wiki- und Wordpress-Seiten

BMBF Research Project WiWiEn